TL Logistikk provides logistics services for companies attending Exhibitions & Conferences. When your Business are going to Bergen or the surrounding region for an exhibition or a smaller conference, TL Logistikk is here to take care of your shipment, to make sure that "the right thing, is at the right place, at the right time".
We offer our customers a complete service, wich includes:
Planning and handling of freight documents - Customs Clearance/ Temporary customs clearance
Transportation Solutions: Road - Air - Sea Freight
Storage prior to and after the exhibition
Forklift Services
Delivery to stand
Rigging/ unpacking of exhibition goods
Storage of empties during the exhibition
Collection from stand and delivery to the next destination
Exhibitions and conferences we offer services to in 2021/ 2022:
SATS 08-10 September 2021
Conference location: Radisson Blu Royal Bryggen
NFTs Landsmøte 04-06 November 2021
Nordental exhibition
Conference location: Grieghallen
HavExpo 10-12 Mai 2022
Exhibition location: Straume Idrettspark på Sotra
OTD 2022
Exhibition location: Straume idrettspark på Sotra
The Official Logistics Partner of: